
Help us document Conservation Areas

Help us document Conservation Areas

Are you a keen photographer? Do you have a passion for heritage buildings, restoration and repair? Then the Trust would like your help! We’re currently working on a series of guides to help homeowners living in Conservation Areas. We’d like to illustrate these guides with real life examples of buildings and streetscapes that highlight positive conservation. Interested in helping us?

Images chosen to feature in the guides will win Trust membership, and the overall winner submitting the best image will also receive an Independent Leeds Black Card.

Images that we’re looking for;
Good examples of the following (please note that we are interested in a mixture of images, with include city centre and suburban images)

  • Windows
  • Roofs
  • Doors
  • Boundaries (walls/fences/hedges etc)
  • Shop frontage and signage
  • Gardens
  • & lastly, a feature image of a good example of a conservation area streetscape.

Submission guidance

Images must be taken within Leeds!
Images must be 600dpi or above
Image label to contain the location where the photograph was taken
Permission of the homeowner/shop to be sought (if the image identifies any personal details)
Leeds Civic Trust to be granted the image usage and copyright
Submitted via wetransfer to
Please submit your entry before the closing date of the 17 May

Leeds has 79 conservation areas – these can be found here.

Owl illustration
Flowers illustration footer