Shop: Book: Leeds Then & Now

Leeds Then & Now
A photographic record of the 20th century buildings of Leeds
by Brian Godward

What do the county arcade, Oakwood Fish Bar and the White Rose Centre have in common? They all feature shops of course, but more significantly, as far as this book is concerned, they were all built in the twentieth century.

These and many others are featured in this photographic record of a century of building in Leeds. The ever-changing face of the city is well illustrated by the use of 'before' and 'after' photographs, recalling memories of buildings lost or street scenes dramatically changed.

Changes in architectural design are also covered, illustrating how architects have interpreted current styles from the Art Nouveau of the Victoria Quarter to the Hi-tech of the Sainsbury's superstore.

This lovely photographic record is sure to bring back memories as much as give food for thought. An ideal addition to any coffee table.

Sale Price : £5.00 (incl. postage)

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