Leeds Civic Trust AGM 2020

The Leeds Civic Trust AGM will take place virtually this year, as provided for by emergency legislation. We hope that members will be able to join us via Zoom at Monday 23rd November at 7pm – please email office@leedscivictrust.org.uk to obtain your Zoom link.

Given that the online AGM will not allow members the opportunity to speak, the Trust has decided to provide members with the opportunity to view documentation work as soon as it becomes available, so that questions can be submitted in advance of the meeting. If you have questions on any of the documents on this page, please email them to office@leedscivictrust.org.uk or leave a message on our mobile phone 07942 670333. We will either respond in advance of the AGM or ensure that the matters you raise are addressed at the AGM.



The proposal is that the Trust moves from its current legal status (Charitable Company) to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. A full explanation is provided in the AGM paperwork, but in essence this conversion allows the Trust to continue to function as a charity, protects (and in some cases enhances) member rights, whilst using the most up to date constitutional model. Since this is a constitutional change, a two thirds majority of voting members will be required. For reference, please click here to view the current constitution document which the CIO Constitution above will replace.

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